Sunday, March 14, 2010


Hayley is probably yelling at me right now. Why? For SORRYING myself. In Uganda, people say, "Sorry" when they feel bad about something that has been done or happened to someone else. Such as, if I were to trip over a pothole, someone might say, "Sorry." But often times, if I were to trip (or some similar type of situation) I would say "sorry, sorry" myself. Hayley would always laugh and say, "You can't SORRY yourself!!! You need to quit SORRYING yourself!" [Bad habit.] But in this case, I need to say, "Nsasira." [Forgive me.] I wish to express an apology for such a long delay in updating my blog. I hope you enjoy as I post my favorite and most memorable moments of the past four months. I should finally be back up-to-date within the next 5-7 days.

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