Monday, September 28, 2009

Chicken Manor

Sunday after church a group of us gathered for some family-style eating at The Manor Restaurant (aka Chicken Manor). When my sister and I were little, it used to be the place to go and meet up with friends after church on Sundays. We didn't all attend the same church, but we often met to eat together. And if we didn't end up at Chicken Manor, it was usually down at the farm (our neighbors George & Mary). Friends ranged in age from newborn to 75+ years of age. No one was ever too young or too old to enjoy each others company. It was good to hang out with longtime friends. Later in the evening I headed to Aunt Charlotte & Uncle Bob's where they served up some chips, pretzels, & ice cream. (I definitely haven't gone hungry in these past few weeks...I think everyone is trying to fatten me up before I depart for Uganda!!!)

Cousin Matt's Wedding

Saturday my cousin Matt married his college sweetheart, Margaret. It was a beautiful wedding! Per Matt's request, our grandma made him a groom's cake with two penguins holding hands. It was good to celebrate Matt's special day and dance the night away with family (I think my 5-year-old niece outlasted us all)!

A Bicycle Built for Two!

Friday was my first experience riding a tandem bicycle with my dad. It was a neat experience. But I have to admit, I must be a bit of a control freak because I didn't like that I couldn't see straight in front of me. I could only look side to side. Most people enjoy that part, but I still like to have full view of everything in front of me. Still, it was fun and a beautiful day for a ride! My sister Amie rode with us and we caught up with some others from the Stark County Bike Club to enjoy some lunch at the deli. I'm sure I'll be going for another ride next spring!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Last week was a difficult week of farewells to co-workers of 7 years and my church family of nearly 4 1/2 years. Good memories. Northwest Ohio has had me for the past 12 years, so this week is some much-needed time with my family. Last night was a blast as I broke out my old Barbies and played with my niece, Lauren. Tomorrow it's Amish country, Friday will be my first ride on a tandum bicycle, Saturday is cousin Matt's wedding, Sunday after church will be lunch at "Chicken Manor" (ah, just like back in the day...), and Monday I think I'll finally begin packing and re-packing for Uganda!

Here We Go...

Why "Backpack Adventures?" Because just about anywhere you take a backpack you're almost certain to find some sort of adventure...a local park, school, church, foreign countries...